Production services


SLUIZER FILM PRODUCTIONS also provides film production and location services for film, television and new media productions. We support out-of-town and overseas productions on their shoots in the Netherlands. SFP provides services and support for projects ranging from low to high budgets – TV series, international feature films and documentaries.

SFP provides comprehensive, turn-key production with local and foreign crews, cast and location support and can assist, advise, or manage any phase of pre-, production and/or post production anywhere in the Netherlands, from Groningen to Maastricht. For every budget we are flexible to find the best economic solutions, while aiming to make your stay and shoot in the Netherlands a success.

In addition to production services SFP offers international co-production support and advise and apply to the Dutch Production Incentive, which can result into a 30% cash rebate for projects costs spend in the Netherlands. Click here for more detailed film feature incentive information: