Sluizer Film Productions B.V. is a Dutch Production Company originally founded in 2014 to manage the film catalogue and exploitation of the film archive of director/producer George Sluizer.
In 2016 the activity status of the company was updated to produce documentaries, short and long features. Sluizer Film Productions will carry on the vision of the former company and it’s director-producer George Sluizer known for his unique signature. Sluizer Film Productions will produce films with a certain ambition for artistic value meant for Dutch and international audience.
At the basis the focus lies on choosing original scenarios, working with established or young directors with an authentic and personal vision on Cinema.
Sluizer Film Productions do believe in the power of collaboration of talent and will work international and find cooperation’s with producers in Europe and the rest of the world.

George Sluizer: ’go to the edge and search for one’s limits’. 

Recent Projects